Main Page

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How To Begin

If you are new to dark web, read the following pages to start:

  1. How To Buy Bitcoins - You need Bitcoins to do shopping in dark web.
  2. How To Buy Drugs - Learn how to buy drugs and stay anonymous.
  3. How To Buy Guns - Learn how to get armed and not to go to jail.
  4. Darknet Markets - Learn how to register and sell/buy on darknet markets.
  5. Search Engines - Learn how to search the dark web.

Editor's picks

Pick a random page from the article index and replace one of these slots with it:

  1. The Matrix - Very nice to read.
  2. How to Exit the Matrix - Learn how to Protect yourself and your rights, online and off.
  3. Verifying PGP signatures - A short and simple how-to guide.
  4. In Praise Of Hawala - Anonymous informal value transfer system.
  5. Terrific Strategies To Apply A Social media Marketing Approach - Great tips for the internet marketer


Here are the six different things that you can help us out with:

  1. Plunder other hidden service lists for links and place them here!
  2. File the SnapBBSIndex links wherever they go
  3. Set external links to HTTPS where available, good certificate, and same content.
  4. Care to start recording onionland's history? Check out Onionland's Museum.
  5. Perform Dead Services Duties
  6. Remove ***** shitness.

Introduction Points

Financial Services

Currencies, banks, money markets, clearing houses, exchangers:

Commercial Services

  • Drugs Empire - Cannabis, LSD, MDMA, 2-CB, fentanyl and more.
  • Tor Guns - Guns market to buy pistols, rifles, revolvers, cold steel and ammo.
  • DarkBay - Darknet Market - buy and sell items anonymously.
  • Buy Real Money - Buy best quality cash in multiple currencies: USD, EUR and GBP.
  • Hacked database store - big collection of leaked databases.
  • Data Shop - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Twitch and more.
  • Fixed Matches - Fixed Football Matches. The info is 100% correct.

Domain Services

  • OnionName - Choose your desired domain name prefix, and order the domain, starting from 0.45 mBTC for 8 letters.

Anonymity & Security

  • Fake ID Generator - Fake Identity Name, SSN, Driver's License, and Credit Card Numbers Generator.
  • BrowsInfo - Check your anonymity and browser traceability.
  • EscrowLab - Make deals in dark web safely.

Read more:

Blogs / Essays / Wikis

  • Tor Metrics - Welcome to Tor Metrics, the primary place to learn interesting facts about the Tor network, the largest deployed anonymity network to date. If something can be measured safely, you'll find it here.
  • Superkuh - Much information about spectrogram, wireless, and radio.
  • Beneath VT - Exploring Virginia Tech's steam tunnels and beyond.
  • Tor Against *****! - Free and clean Tor - Tor users against *****!
  • Go Beyond A blog about politics, potatoes, technology, Tor, etc.
  • S-Config - Blog about tech, rants, articles.

Email / Messaging

See also: The compendium of clear net Email providers.

  • - Complete mail service that allows you to send and receive mails without violating your privacy.
  • Mail2Tor - Mail2Tor is a free anonymous e-mail service made to protect your privacy.
  • - is a privacy based email service and a Bitcoin/Monero exchange.
  • TorBox - This is a hidden mailbox service only accessible from TOR without connection with public internet.
  • Protonmail - Swiss based e-mail service, encrypts e-mails locally on your browser. Free and paid accounts.
  • CTemplar - First ever high end fully encrypted tor email service.
  • TorGuerrillaMail - Disposable Temporary E-Mail Address.
  • Chat with strangers Talk to random users anonymously.
  • Shielded - Security-focused mailbox hosting with customizable .ONION domain name. Payment by smart escrow (multi-sig contracts or Lightning Network transactions).
  • Ableonion - Random chat with other tor users.

Social Networks

  • Connect - Connect is a collective that recognizes and promotes anticapitalism, antiracism, antifascism, anti*****ism, antimililtarism, and anti-what-the-*****-ever and the refusal of authoritarianism and hierarchies.
  • Galaxy3 - Galaxy3 is a new, Social Networking experience for the darknet!
  • Torbook 2.0 - The Facebook of Tor. Share your memories, connect with others and make friends.
  • Facebook - The real Facebook's Onion domain. Claim not to keep logs. Trust them at your peril.

Forums / Boards / Chans

  • The Stock Insiders - The Oldest and the Largest Insider Trading Forum. The community for exchanging Insider Information about the Publicly Traded Companies.
  • The Intel Exchange - Know or need to know something? Ask and share at this underground intelligence gathering network.
  • DNM Avengers - Darknet drug forum with reviews and marketplace discussion.
  • OnionLand - Discussion forum about all the Darkweb markets related topics.
  • Dread - Reddit like website.
  • HIGH KOREA - korean forum about weed and drug information.


  • WikiLeaks DeepWeb mirror of the famous Wikileaks website.
  • Doxbin - A pastebin for personally identifiable information.
  • SecureDrop - The open-source whistleblower submission system managed by Freedom of the Press Foundation.
  • Active at Darknet Markets? - Onion set up by the Police and the Judicial Authorities of the Netherlands, listing Active, identified, and arrested Darknet Market operators.
  • Cryptome - Archive Government Leaks. Documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide, in particular material on freedom of expression, privacy, cryptology, dual-use technologies, national security, intelligence, and secret governance -- open, secret and classified documents -- but not limited to those.
  • SecureDrop - An open-source whistleblower submission system that media organizations can use to securely accept documents from and communicate with anonymous sources.


Hack, Phreak, Anarchy (internet), Warez, Virus, Crack

  • HeLL Forum - HeLL Reloaded is back!
  • RelateList - New era of intelligence.
  • CODE: GREEN - Ethical hacktivism for a better world. Join us and participate in modern world protests!
  • Hack Canada - America is a joke and Canada is the punchline. Old-ish hacking site, hosts a few archives.
  • Hacker Place - Site with several books and resources on software development, pentesting and hacking.
  • WE fight censorship - a Reporters Without Borders project that aims to combat censorship and promote the flow of news and information.

Hosting, website developing

  • TorVPS Shells - Free torified shell accounts, can be used for hosting, IRC, etc.
  • SporeStack API-driven VPS hosting for Bitcoin. Clearnet and hidden Tor hosting.
  • HomeHosting - A system administrator who can set up your private home server.
  • Prometheus_Hidden_Services - Payed hosting, provides Virtual Private Server (VPS) with Linux.
  • darknet design — web design (HTML, CSS, PHP) plus graphics design and a few other things.
  • Daniel's Hosting - Free hosting solution only for a non-commercial personal project.

File Uploaders

  • Just upload stuff - Upload files up to 300MB.
  • ZeroBin - ZeroBin is a minimalist, opensource online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data.
  • Felixxx - Felixxx Image Uploader & Pastebin.
  • Image Hosting - Upload your images/photos to our free image hosting.
  • Image Upload - Multiple file formats accepted.
  • Matrix - Image Uploader&PasteBin.

Audio - Music / Streams

Video - Movies / TV



  • Drugs Empire - Trusted drugs market with a loyal, satisfied and growing customer base
  • DarkBay - Darknet Market - buy and sell items anonymously.


Noncommercial (E)

  • Black Room - Watch satanic ceremonies in abandoned places.


Services that defy categorization, or that have not yet been sorted.

  • IIT Underground - Information on and photos of the steam tunnels and roofs at the Illinois Institute of Technology.


Belarussian / Белорусский

Finnish / Suomi

French / Français

German / Deutsch

  • konkret - das linke Magazin: Archiv.
  • MadIRC - Deutscher IRC-Channel.

Greek / ελληνικά

Italian / Italiano

Japanese / 日本語

Korean / 한국어

Chinese / 中国語

Polish / Polski

Russian / Русский

  • Runion Wiki - Russian Wiki/Русский OnionLand.
  • Зеркало библиотеки Траума - Бесплатная библиотека. Обложки, поиск и возможность скачивать в форматах FB2, HTML и TXT.
  • РосПравосудие - крупнейшая картотека юристов, адвокатов, судей и судебных решений (50+ миллионов документов, 35+ тысяч судей, 65+ тысяч адвокатов, сотни тысяч юристов, прокуроры). «РосПравосудие» - аполитичный и независимый проект.
  • China Market - китайский маркет. Всегда свежие поставки из Китая: каннабиноиды, MDMA кристаллы, экстази, LSD. Доставка без пересечения границы, есть представители в России, Украине и Казахстане. Автоматическое оформление, оплата и получение заказа. Методы оплаты: Bitcoin, Qiwi, Приват24, наличкой через терминалы.
  • Rutor - главный форум черного рынка.
  • Схоронил! Архив magnet-ссылок.
  • Флибуста - Библиотека.

Spanish / Español

  • CebollaChan 3.0 - CebollaChan, el tor-chan en Castellano.
  • TorPez - Foro de seguridad informatica entre otras cosas.

Portuguese / Português

  • Tudo Sobre Magia e Ocultismo - Site sobre Magia,Ocultismo,Esoterismo e Mitologia.
  • [1] - Terminal Internet Livre - Internet Freedom for Portuguese-speakers.

Swedish / Svenska

Hidden Services - Other Protocols

Volunteers last verified that all services in this section were up, or marked as DOWN, on: 2011-06-08 For configuration and service/uptime testing, all services in this section MUST list the active port in their address. Exception: HTTP on 80, HTTPS on 443. For help with configuration, see the TorifyHOWTO and End-to-end connectivity issues.

P2P FileSharing

Running P2P protocols within Tor requires OnionCat. Therefore, see the OnionCat section for those P2P services. IMPORTANT: It is possible to use Tor for P2P. However, if you do, the right thing must also be done by giving back the bandwidth used. Otherwise, if this is not done, Tor will be crushed taking everyone along with it.

Chat centric services

Some people and their usual server hangouts may be found in the Contact Directory.


Use e.g. ChatZilla add-on for the IRC protocol (the Tor Project does not suggest installing browser addons unless you understand the risks), or a standalone client such as HexChat. Tails comes with Pidgin, which will work for IRC as well.

plaintext ports: 6667
plaintext ports: 6667; ssl: 6697
plaintext ports: 6667
running on; ssl ports: 9999; no plaintext ports
ssl ports: 6697; no plaintext ports
plaintext ports: 6667; ssl: 6697
plaintext ports: 6667; ssl: 9999
  • Nazgul - free for all IRC network
plaintext ports:
ssl ports: __undefined__ (SSL)
  • OnionIRC - New, censorship-free IRC server.
plaintext ports: 6668
plaintext ports: 6667; SSL ports: 6697
  • Smokey's Grill - General chat IRC. Doesn't allow plotting the ***** of other people.
plaintext ports: 6667

  • Anonimowy IRC - Anonimowy IRC (Polish anonymous IRC server) __undefined__
plaintext ports: 6667; ssl:6697
running on; ssl ports: 6697; no plaintext ports
running on: (various), ports:: plaintext: 6667 ssl: 6697
plaintext ports: 6667; ssl: 6697
All of these direct to and allow plaintext port 6667 as well as SSL ports 6697, 7000, and 7070.

Below is a list of DEAD irc servers from Anonet:


  • - SILCroad, public server. [discuss/support]
  • <protect>Silkroad 2.0 - The new silkroad. Biggest marketplace for drugs on the Darknet. (Bitcoin)</protect>
  • - - Keep It Simple and Safe - ditch the web browser, use SILC to communicate securely (using Pidgin with OTR)

XMPP (formerly Jabber)

TorChat Addresses

Humans are listed in the above contact directory. Bots are listed below.

  • - TorChat InfoServ #2nd, by ACS.
  • - TorChat InfoServ #1st, by ACS...

SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol

These SFTP clients work with Tor: WinS*****, FileZilla. Set proxy to SOCKS5, host, port 9150 (Windows,Mac) or 9050 (Linux). Encrypt your sensitive files using GnuPG before uploading them to any server.

  • - - SFTP file exchange service (username "sftp.anon", password "anon")

OnionCat Addresses

List of only the Tor-backed fd87:d87e:eb43::/48 address space, sorted by onion. There are instructions for using OnionCat, Gnutella, BitTorrent Client, and BitTorrent Tracker.

    • fd87:d87e:eb43:f683:64ac:73f9:61ac:9a00 - ICMPv6 Echo Reply
  • a5ccbdkubbr2jl***** -
    • fd87:d87e:eb43:0744:208d:5408:63a4:ac4f - ICMPv6 Echo Reply
  • - bank-killah
    • fd87:d87e:eb43:1134:88c4:4ecb:c88d:ec9e - ICMPv6 Echo Reply
    • [fd87:d87e:eb43:1134:88c4:4ecb:c88d:ec9e]:8333 - Bitcoin Seed Node
  • - TasWeb - DOWN 2011-09-08
    • fd87:d87e:eb43:9825:6206:0b91:2ce8:d0e2 - ICMPv6 Echo Reply
    • https://[fd87:d87e:eb43:9825:6206:0b91:2ce8:d0e2]/
    • gopher://[fd87:d87e:eb43:9825:6206:0b91:2ce8:d0e2]:70/
  • - echelon
    • fd87:d87e:eb43:ac9d:b8f8:4c4b:9cc3:9cc6 - ICMPv6 Echo Reply

Bitcoin Seeding



Dead Hidden Services

Do not simply remove services that appear to be offline from the above list! Services can go down temporarily, so we keep track of when they do and maintain a list of dead hidden services.

  • In addition to an onion simply being gone (Tor cannot resolve the onion), sites that display 404 (and use a known onion/URL based hosting service) are the only other thing that is considered truly DOWN. Presumably the account is gone.
  1. If a service has been down for a while, tag it with ' - DOWN YYYY-MM-DD' (your guess as to when it went down).
  2. If a tagged service on the above list of live hidden services has come back up, remove the DOWN tag.
  3. If a tagged service is still down after a month, please move it (along with the DOWN tag) to the list of dead hidden services.
  • The general idea of the remaining four service states below is that, if the Hidden Service Descriptor is available, and something is responding behind it... the service is considered up, and we track that fact on the Main Page. If any of these subsequently go offline, append the DOWN tag and handle as above.
  1. Hello world's / statements, minimal sites, services with low user activity, etc (while boring)... are listed as usual.
  2. Broken services are those that display 404 (and do not use a known hosting service), PHP or other errors (or they fail silently)... any of which prevent the use of the service as intended. They also include blank pages, empty dirs and neglected status notes. Presumably the operator is in limbo. Broken services are tagged with ' (reason) - Broken YYYY-MM-DD' (your guess as to when it went broken)
  3. Services that automatically redirect to another service (such as by HTTP protocol or script), have their redirection destinations noted in their descriptions. These are tagged with ' - Redir YYYY-MM-DD' (your guess as to when it went redir)
  4. Sites that are formally closed via announcement are tagged with ' - Closed YYYY-MM-DD' (your guess as to when it went closed.

Sites on this list that have no chance of coming back (LE takedowns, dead for some time) should be archived to page dead services just in case they should ever be needed.